Wilde Legacy - Chapter 20

And cuddling led to Erik's first kiss.

And then his first romantic rejection, when Audrey refused his advances.

   "What do you think you're doing?"
"I-I, uh-"

   "Your friends are right. It's fun teasing you. Now come here."

Erik arrived home a little after curfew, but now that he was older his mother wasn't so strict with that particular rule.

Theo didn't really like leaving his family alone during the night, but he still hadn't sold all the relics fragments he had brought from his trips abroad.

Marina wasn't happy with having to do late night cleaning. She had told the kids more than a million times not to leave the dirty clothes on the floor, but did they listen? Of course not.

Although now that she had a new washing machine and dryer, she no longer had to waste her time at the laundromat.

The next morning, she visited Portdale's public library. To her surprise, Layla Evans was there. After marrying Gabriel Watts, the most distinguishable director in Portdale, Layla had quickly started landing roles as a lead actress and was currently the only five stars celebrity in the city.

Marina couldn't quite believe that Layla didn't mind signing an autograph for her.

After thanking her, Marina couldn't pass up the opportunity to ask some questions about some of Layla's movie roles. Was it true that the latest version of Cleopatra was shot in Al Simhara?

Layla confirmed that yes, the movie had really been shot in Egypt. Marina then tried to impress her by talking about her wealth and her level 8 guitar skill. Layla listened attentively, but soon excused herself to answer a call from her agent.



  1. I'm the last to discover your legacy (I'm in late with all the legacy blog reading lol).. Congratulations, your pictures are awesome and I love your little family.. Your neighborood is stunning too (the consignment store, the restaurants and the beach above all). It's a pity you turned off SP because it's very useful. I'm looking forward your next updates

  2. Thanks, mimi! Although I can't take credit for the beach, that lot was downloaded. :D (The diner was a download too, although I've redecorated quite a bit.)
    I guess I'm too much of a control freak to just let SP do its thing and the lag in my game was starting to get out of hand, so for now it's off.

  3. I really am enjoying this legacy! You're making my day!
