Wilde Legacy - Chapter 39

   "Uhmm... I don't know, Ryder. Who did you say is going with you?"
"Denver, his mom got us the tickets."

   "C'mon, mom! Please, please, please. I'll help you around the house more, I promise. Just let me go to the concert tomorrow. Pleeeeaase..."
Marina sighed. "I guess it's okay..."

   "Really? Thank you so much, mom!"

   "Yes!" Ryder did a little victory dance and sang a little happy tune. "I'm going to a Rapaces concert! I'm going to the concert!"

Theo had gotten up early to help Erik find some used furniture for his new apartment in Burwell's junkyard. He had offered to lend Erik some money, but his son was determined to succeed on his own and wouldn't accept it.

The first find of the day was a loveseat. It seemed to be salvageable, all they had to do was dig it out of the rubble pile.

Next find, a desk.

And a few chairs...

They loaded everything onto the small rented truck.
"Do you need anything else?" Theo asked his son.
"Nope, I think I'm good."

After some sanitizing they arranged the furniture around the apartment.
"Is the sofa okay here or do you want to move it back a little?"
"It's fine here, dad."

Theo still wasn't happy. "Uhmmm, I think I'll tell your mother to give you some curtains as a housewarming gift..."

   "Uh, Erik... where did you say you got this TV?"


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