Sullivan Hotel

Updated: 16-10-2011

Owner: Nathan Sullivan

Lol, yeah, it's a hotel, but no pics of the hotel bedrooms yet. They're done, but I'm not too happy with them, and am still debating whether to change them or not. I'm also planning to have a conference room, gym and hotel pub, but I'm afraid to add more stuff: my computer hates this lot (lag, lag, stuttering, lag, plus the occasional crash).

   I used twallan's register mod to assign the hotel's concierge, Jean-Luc, to this work space. I've made the counter and register invisible using this mod.

Hotel Restaurant:

   A better view of the restaurant's staff uniform.

MaƮtre d' stand (sort of).

Again, invisible counter and food register, plus my vanishing bistro rabbithole rug.

Bistro rabbithole options. I hate watching sims disappear into rabbitholes, so I modified a few xml files to make the "Eat Outside" interaction more appealing to sims (lol, I think I made it a little too much appealing since they now refuse to leave the lot and collapse from lack of sleep; on the plus side, they now almost always use the restaurant tables autonomously).


Spa Room 1:

Because my sims need some pampering...

For a little bit of realism, the spa customers can use the hotel towels and bathrobes while in the spa.

The spa attendants also have work uniforms.

Spa Room 2:

[rant] I want real massage tables! [/rant]

Oh, well, poses will do for now...

Spa Room 3:

I use twallan's shooless mod to prevent sims from shooing others out of the room. This way several sims can use the bathtubs at the same time.



Spa Room 4:





I used the Late Night's effects machine and set it to fog. It's hidden by the sauna heater in the middle of the room.






Hotel Cosmetics Shop:




Hotel Boutique:

I use ani_'s brilliant Shop for Clothes mod in my boutiques. Ani_ originally added the shop for clothes interactions to the clothing rack statue, but I modified a cash register to also show these interactions.
Bigger pic here.

Here you can kind of see the two registers, the shop for clothes one and the normal invisible register needed to assign Ava to this shop.





Bellboy, also assigned to invisible register.

Lot Architect: denizzo_ist
Interior Designer: ll



  1. Okay, I know this is a SUPER old post, but your whole hotel is gorgeous. I'm particularly interested in your restaurant. How exactly did you make it more appealing for sims to eat outside?

    I have the rabbit hole rugs and doors, and tried cracking open the packages in S3PE but wasn't sure what I was looking for. Any chance you could clarify what you did there? :)

  2. As far as I know, the recent rabbitholes rugs and doors don't have the "Eat Outside" interaction, since they're cloned from the diner and Business Center/Restaurant Combo. Only MelissaMel's rabbitholes at MTS had a Bistro Rabbihole, not sure if that one still works.

    I've just uploaded the one I made, so (if you're feeling brave :D ) you can use it.

  3. As far as making the "Eat Outside" interaction more appealing, I modified the following XML files found in GameplayData.package:

    If you have Generations EP, the GameplayData.package is located in
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin\Gameplay\GameplayData.package

  4. These XMLs have an advertised value and an actual value for motives like fun, hunger, social, etc. I've modified these values to "1", except in the EatOutside_Bistro XML, which I changed to advertised=500 and actual=200.

    Now bear in mind that most of my sims will autonomously choose to eat outside, but like I posted above, there are some consequences, like refusing to leave the lot and collapsing from lack of sleep (and probably more I haven't noticed yet).

  5. Thanks, ll, you're awesome! I HATE that we don't have TS2-style restaurants in TS3, so honestly, having Sims pass out on the lot is preferable to having them lurking inside the rabbithole where I can't see them. I can just pretend it's been a really wild night out on the town for them or something. ;)
